Things You Should Consider When Buying A Wand Massager (or vibrator)
Thriving Through Menopause: A Guide to Managing Symptoms and Staying Healthy
Understanding Sexual Dysfunction: Exploring Its Medical Nature
Does Sex Make Your Muscles Weak?
Many wannabe experts say you shouldn’t have sex before the day you’re heading for physical activity, say a sports event. However, there’s no scientific study that says you should skip sex before the big day.
It also depends a bit on your experience and age, though.
Playing Hooky: 7 Excuses to Use When You Need a Day to Yourself
As a child, one of the best feelings in the world was when you could successfully convince your parents that you needed to stay home from school.
Just because you’re an adult now doesn’t mean you can’t still play hooky every now and then.
We all need a day to ourselves to regroup, reset and enjoy life while we still can.
How Frequently Should Bodybuilders Have Sex?
Sex burns a lot of calories, and at the same time, it has a direct relationship with muscle-building, too.
So, if you’re a bodybuilder, or say an athlete, a gymnastic, or any other kind of person who does a LOT of physical activity, does sex ruin your performance?
Well, if this question has been bothering you recently, we have put together this post, especially for you! Read till the end to figure out how much sex is too much for you.
16 Interesting Facts About the Vagina
Don't Forget Foreplay!
11 Things Everyone Should Know About Condoms
11 Different Types of Orgasms and How to Achieve Them
How Stress Affects Your Sex Life and What to Do About It
Did you know that stress can greatly impact your sex life? It might seem obvious that stress can affect your mood, but it does more than that.